Thursday, May 31, 2012


Last night on Twitter, Allison/Amarixe, Nikki Phillippi, and Landon Austin were having a conversation about vlogging everyday in June, and what they should call their vlogs. Of course I had to be a creeper and follow the conversation, and when they couldn't come up with anything (since VALIJ/VEDIJ and Vlune weren't sounding very nice) I felt like I had to at least attempt to come up with a good name. Alas, I came up with I-JIVE or JIVE which stands for In June I'll Vlog Everyday. I tweeted the 3 of them my idea and now they're all going to use it! I personally got tweets back from Allison and Landon, which I majorly fan-girled about, and Nikki tweeted that she loved it as well. I am so so so excited that they liked my idea! N

Now I feel like I should also JIVE, except for the fact that I don't have the proper equipment to vlog at all (read: a decent camera). HOWEVER, I've decided that I'm going to try and JIBE (June - I'll Blog Everyday). Sound good? Sounds good. Remember, I do have 2 blogs - this one & my beauty blog. So I won't necessarily have a new blog post up on here every day, or on that one, but I will try to put at least one post up on one or the other every day in June.

I invite you to join in and JIVE or JIBE with me if you've got a YouTube channel or a blog! Comment with your links so I can follow you, and follow me to make sure you see my posts every day. Also, make sure you check out Allison's, Nikki's, and Landon's 2nd channels where they'll be vlogging every day, and tell them Kristy (@kristyhank) sent you! And also make sure you follow me here and on my other blog so that you can catch my posts every day. Yay fun. :)


  1. love your blog~ follow u no5# follow me back~ greeting from Malaysia..!!

  2. thanks for your lovely comment.. Follow you now :)

